University degree on Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health: already 1 month since the launch!

As part of its missions, PROMISE launched a University degree on Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health on November 6, 2023.

This DU is supported by the University of Limoges with the support of the University of Tours and the Institut Pasteur. It’s a professional training, 100% remote and asynchronous (no connection at a fixed time), accessible for initial or continuing training. This diploma course is aimed at professionals in human, animal and environmental health (human and animal health practitioners, epidemiologists, hospital executives, water managers, etc.), researchers, professionals or students in political science.

In this degree, we find 7 training modules, 31 speakers, 2 MOOCs in educational support, for a total of 110 hours of distance learning (courses, personal work, additional resources, memory, evaluation, etc.). At the same time, note in this context the existence of the MOOC “Resistance to antibacterial agents” from the Institut Pasteur, co-financed by the PROMISE community network. To follow this course, a “Discovery” course (free) and a “Qualifying” course (paid and giving access to a certificate) are available.

The University degree “Antibiotic resistance and global One Health approach” has been very successful 1 month after its launch. Open from November 6, 2023 to June 21, 2024, it offers the possibility of training One Health practitioners, regardless of their preferred sector (human health, animal health, environmental health). There are currently 15 registered participants following the various modules offered by the diploma course. You will find some related figures below [FR].

Chiffres DU Antibiorésistance

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