The first version of the ABRomics platform is open!

Funded by the Priority Research Programme (PRP) for Antibiotic Resistance, along with PROMISE, the ABRomics project aims to develop an online community platform to improve surveillance and research into antimicrobial resistance from a One Health perspective.

Today, the ABRomics development team is pleased to announce the launch of the ABRomics platform:!

This first public version of the ABRomics platform offers free analysis of genomic data. It allows users to create a project, invite collaborators and download genomic data and the corresponding metadata.

A full analysis report is available at the end of the process. From a public health perspective, users will be able to explore data from other projects, tracking the spread of specific antibiotic resistance traits or bacterial clones.

‘Please feel free to register, test and explore this first version of the ABRomics platform and send your feedback to our support team.’

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