Thematic seminar: “One Health approach to antimicrobial resistance: cross-impacts of human-animal-environment practices”.


On November 15, 2024, a seminar will be held at the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion in Paris (Tour Séquoia Auditorium, La Défense). This seminar is co-organized by the PROMISE meta-network, the Société de Pathologie Infectieuse de langue française (SPILF), the Groupe Bon Usage des Antibiotiques de la SPILF and the Centre de Référence en Antibiothérapie PACA (PACATB).

The theme is: “One Health approach to antibiotic resistance: cross-impacts of human-animal-environment practices”. It is aimed at public and private professionals in human, animal and environmental health, as well as researchers, decision-makers, teachers, students, environmental and user associations and journalists.


The event has a number of objectives:

  • Bring together scientific, political and industrial players from the 3 health sectors to discuss the ecological impact of antibiotics, biocides and other resistance cofactors;
  • Find concrete solutions that cut across all 3 sectors;
  • Work towards a better territorial organization of the 3 sectors.


The seminar features a wide range of speakers. The program includes three separate sessions:

  • Session 1 – One Health assessment of antibiotic resistance
  • Session 2 – What are the obstacles and levers for reducing the consumption of biocides and antibiotics at European, national and local level?
  • Session 3 – Reducing our impact on antibiotic resistance through operational tools and local dynamics


Registration is free but compulsory.

To register, please send an e-mail to specifying your first name, surname, structure and e-mail address, so that your registration request can be taken into account.

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