DU “Antibotic resistance and One Health global approach”: register now!

Last year, as part of its mission, PROMISE launched a University Diploma (DU) on antibiotic resistance and One Health global approach.

The DU is run by the Université de Limoges with the support of the Université de Tours and the Institut Pasteur. It is a 100% distance and asynchronous (no connection at a fixed time) professional training course, available for both initial and continuing education. This diploma course is aimed at professionals in human, animal and environmental health (human and animal health practitioners, epidemiologists, hospital managers, water managers, etc.), researchers, professionals or students of political science.

This DU includes 7 training modules, 31 lecturers, 2 MOOCs as pedagogical support, for a total of 110 hours of distance learning (courses, personal work, additional resources, dissertation, assessment, etc.). Cf. Description of pedagogical content [FR]

Would you like to register? Each year, applications must be submitted by October 31 in accordance with the registration procedures laid down by the University of Limoges [FR] for online courses to be launched in the following November.

Prior authorization to enrol must be requested by sending a covering letter with your contact details and an up-to-date CV to the DU’s pedagogical manager (Pr Marie-Cécile Ploy – marie-cecile.ploy@unilim.fr) or to her secretariat (05 55 43 59 62).

Examination procedures are defined by, firstly, the completion of MCQs to validate modules 1 to 6 (6 online MCQs of 30 minutes each), and secondly, the completion of a written group assignment in the form of a dissertation to validate module 7.

The fee is €843.00 for initial training (or €759.00 if you were already enrolled at the University of Limoges the previous year) and €1443.00 for continuing education (€243.00 registration fee + €1200.00 training fee). Cf. price list [FR]

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