The PROMISE newsletter n°31 for August 2024 has been published

The latest edition of the PROMISE newsletter is online. This newsletter n°31 for the month of August 2024 offers you the latest news relating to antimicrobial resistance and the One Health global approach, from a perspective of disseminating information. On the program in particular:

  • Featured
    • UMR 1092 RESINFIT launches its “Weekly Digest” newsletter on antimicrobial resistance and the One Health approach in the EU
    • “One Health approach to antibiotic resistance: cross-impacts of human-animal-environment practices”: a PROMISE seminar on November 15 in Paris
  • Some reading
    • The news not to be missed: “Antimicrobial resistance toolkit for media engagement”
    • Other news
  • Calls for project
    • Call for PEPR junior chairs “Food Systems, Microbiomes and Health (SAMS)”
    • Call for Cohortes-Microbiomes of the PEPR “Food Systems, Microbiomes and Health (SAMS)” (pre-announcement)
    • European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance
    • Hospital-based clinical research on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (ReCH-MIE)
    • Impact Santé

If you wish to subscribe (or unsubscribe), go to the bottom of the PROMISE website page to make your request via the dedicated form.

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