UMR 1092 RESINFIT launches its “Weekly Digest” newsletter on antimicrobial resistance and the One Health approach in the EU

UMR Inserm 1092 RESINFIT is a laboratory based in Limoges, and includes several members of the PROMISE project coordination team. At the heart of a national and European network of partners, this unit gathers a permanent flow of news on antimicrobial resistance, the global One Health approach and related themes.

As part of this effort, last month the laboratory launched its “Weekly Digest”, a tool for disseminating this watch, available in the form of a weekly electronic newsletter in English.

Weekly Digest is a newsletter covering informative, technical, legal and administrative news from the European Union. This newsletter gives you an at-a-glance overview of the week’s most important news on antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic resistance and the One Health approach, presenting relevant information on these topics in just a few lines.

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