GLG Report: towards specific commitments and action in the response to antimicrobial resistance

Rapport GLG AMR

The World Health Organization recently published a presse release called “Amid the escalating impact of antimicrobial resistance, the Global Leaders Group calls on UN Member States to take bold and specific action”. This press release discusses the publication of a high-level group, the Global Leaders Group on AMR Report. This GLG report is called “Towards specific commitments and action in the response to antimicrobial resistance”. It expressesses recommendations for consideration…

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The PROMISE newsletter n°26 for March 2024 has been published

Newsletter PROMISE mars 2024

The latest edition of the PROMISE newsletter is online. This newsletter n°26 for the month of March 2024 offers you the latest news relating to antimicrobial resistance and the One Health global approach, from a perspective of disseminating information. On the program in particular: Featured The national antimicrobial resistance monitoring mission Primo publishes its annual report (2022 results) Prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance in the food chain: WHO guidelines…

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The national antimicrobial resistance monitoring mission Primo publishes its annual report (2022 results)

Primo antibiorésistance résultats 2022

The Primo mission (Prevention and control of infection in medico-social establishments and community care) aims to monitor and prevent antibiotic resistance and infections associated with healthcare, in community care and in the medico-social sector. Each year, it publishes its report dedicated to monitoring antibiotic resistance in a specific framework. The latest results are available. Access the publication “Monitoring bacterial resistance to antibiotics in community care and residential establishments for dependent…

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Prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance in the food chain: WHO guidelines

WHO prevention control of antimicrobial resistance

In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe published a document entitled “Addressing antibiotic resistance from a food security perspective in Europe”. It explored options for preventing and containing antibiotic resistance in the food chain through national coordination and international cooperation. Over the past decade, significant progress has been made and good results have been achieved. However, foodborne antimicrobial resistance remains a problem in the WHO European…

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The PROMISE newsletter n°25 for February 2024 has been published

newsletter février 2024

The latest edition of the PROMISE newsletter is online. This newsletter n°25 for the month of February 2024 offers you the latest news relating to antimicrobial resistance and the One Health global approach, from a perspective of disseminating information. On the program in particular: Featured WHO publishes list of medically important antimicrobials for human medicine A new platform for collecting data on sales and use of antimicrobials in animals [Save…

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[Save The Date] AntibioDEAL Days on April 8 and 9, 2024 at Kremlin-Bicêtre

Journées AntibioDEAL 2024

To combat the silent pandemic of antibiotic resistance, the PROMISE professional meta-network was set up as part of the Priority Antibiotic Resistance Research Plan. The emerging AntibioDEAL network is part of this program and aims to structure research and development into anti-infective agents at the national level and foster a collaborative environment. AntibioDEAL’s aims also to identify and remove the scientific and technological barriers to the discovery of anti-infective agents,…

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WHO publishes the Medically Important Antimicrobials List for Human Medicine

To preserve their public health benefits, the responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials needs to be improved in all sectors – human, animal and environment​​. In particular, antimicrobials that are medically important for human medicine need to be preserved by reducing their use in the non-human sectors. That’s why the WHO publishes the list of medically important antimicrobials for human medicine (WHO MIA List). It’s a risk management tool that…

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