The June 2023 PPR Antimicrobial Resistance newsletter is online

The National Antimicrobial Resistance Interface recently posted the latest edition of the PPR
(Priority Research Program) Antimicrobial Resistance newsletter on its website. As a
reminder, this newsletter offers you a quarterly selection of information published on the
dedicated website.

Besides the article on PROMISE in the PPRA project follow-up section, you will find in this

  • Editorial
    • “Antibiotic resistance: One Health or not One Health?” by Jean-Yves MADEC, Scientific Director of the Antimicrobial Resistance Axis at ANSES and Head of the Antimicrobial Resistance and Bacterial Virulence Unit (ANSES, Lyon)
  • Editorial
    • “2023: a pivotal year for innovation in antibiotic resistance?” by Frédéric Peyrane, BEAM Alliance Coordinator and Florence Séjourné, Co-founder BEAM Alliance and CEO Aurobac Therapeutics
  • News
    • Clusters winners of the Innovation Health 2030 plan
    • The European Partnership on One Health Antimicrobial Resistance
  • PPR Antimicrobial Resistance projects
    • PROMISE, a One Health meta-network to fight against antibiotic resistance in France
  • On the Biotech side
  • Events and conferences
  • Job offers and training

If you wish to submit news, a job offer, a scientific publication, or simply subscribe to this newsletter, visit the National Antibioresistance Interface website:

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