Launched in November 2021, PROMISE brings together the main players involved in the fight against antibiotic resistance in France (25 networks and 42 academic partners) within a large One Health meta-network. PROMISE aims to build interactions between actors usually working in silos and will allow members to share their practices, expertise and knowledge, as well as to develop their actions.
PROMISE is structured around 9 specific objectives and 7 thematic working groups. Through its action, PROMISE aims to improve resistance monitoring in France, to promote data, skills and knowledge sharing, and to improve clinical and preclinical research in France.
Latest news
The latest notable news around the PROMISE meta-network, antibiotic resistance and the One Health approach.
- Preventing and reducing antibiotic resistance, combating antimicrobial resistance: the 2024-2034 interministerial roadmap has been published
- AMR-Env: discover the network dedicated to antibiotic resistance in the environment with the interview series “3 questions to …”.
- The PROMISE newsletter n°31 for August 2024 has been published
- “One Health approach to antibiotic resistance: cross-impacts of human-animal-environment practices”: a PROMISE seminar on November 15 in Paris
- UMR 1092 RESINFIT launches its “Weekly Digest” newsletter on antimicrobial resistance and the One Health approach in the EU
- The PROMISE newsletter n°30 for July 2024 has been published