AMR-Env: discover the network dedicated to antibiotic resistance in the environment with the interview series “3 questions to …”.

The AMR-Env working group is an emerging French network dedicated to antibiotic resistance in the environment, initiated as part of the PROMISE meta-network. It brings together several French research units and existing French networks.

One of the aims of AMR-Env is to demonstrate the feasibility of an environmental antimicrobial resistance monitoring system in France. To achieve this, the network brings together a multitude of French research players (researchers, lecturers, engineers, technicians, etc.) involved in environmental issues. What better way to find out more about the network’s members and their expertise than through a series of interviews? (only available in French)

3 questions à Xavier Bellanger

This month, PROMISE invites you to discover the first “3 questions to …” interview dedicated to the AMR-Env network, with Xavier Bellanger, PhD in Genomics, Senior Lecturer at the University of Lorraine and member of the UMR 7564 LCPME (Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie pour les Matériaux et l’Environnement).

The PROMISE meta-network would like to thank Xavier Bellanger for his participation.

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