“One Health approach to antibiotic resistance: cross-impacts of human-animal-environment practices”: a PROMISE seminar on November 15 in Paris

On November 15, 2024, a seminar will be held at the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion in Paris (Tour Séquoia Auditorium, La Défense). The theme is: “One Health approach to antibiotic resistance: cross-impacts of human-animal-environment practices”.

This event is co-organized by the PROMISE meta-network, the Société de Pathologie Infectieuse de langue française (SPILF), the SPILF’s Groupe Bon Usage des Antibiotiques and the Centre de Référence en Antibiothérapie PACA (PACATB). It is aimed at public and private professionals in human, animal and environmental health, as well as researchers, decision-makers, teachers, students, environmental and user associations and journalists.

The event has multiple objectives:

  • Bring together scientific, political and industrial players from the 3 health sectors to discuss the ecological impact of antibiotics, biocides and other resistance cofactors;
  • Find concrete solutions that cut across all 3 sectors;
  • Work towards a better territorial organization of the 3 sectors.

This seminar will be organized around three separate sessions, with a variety of speakers:

  • Session 1 – One Health assessment of antibiotic resistance
  • Session 2 – What are the obstacles and levers to reducing the consumption of biocides and antibiotics at European, national and local levels?
  • Session 3 – Reducing our impact on antibiotic resistance through operational tools and local dynamics

Registration is free but compulsory. To register, please send an e-mail to c.cheneau@infectiologie.com specifying your first name, surname, organization and e-mail address so that your registration request can be taken into account.

Consult the provisional program [FR]

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