The PROMISE newsletter n°21 – October 2023 – has been published

The latest edition of the PROMISE newsletter is online [FR]. This newsletter n°21 for October 2023 offers you the latest news relating to antimicrobial resistance and the One Health global approach :

  • Featured
    • Prevention of infections and antibiotic resistance: the annual report of actions carried out in 2022 by the MMPIA is available
    • 8th Water & Health conference from November 14 to 15, 2023 in Villeurbanne
    • Political issues of antibiotic resistance: a joint symposium of the Institut Pasteur and Sciences Po on November 20, 2023 in Paris
    • PROMISE present at the 18th national congress of the SFM: Microbes 2023
  • Some reading
    • News not to miss: “France launches its new global health strategy (2023-2027)”
    • Other news
  • Calls for projects
    • PEPR Systèmes Alimentaires, Microbiome et Santé
    • Soutien aux Réseaux Scientifiques Européens ou Internationaux – SRSEI 2023
    • Environnement-santé-travail
  • Agenda
    • Upcoming events in november 2023
  • Access the PROMISE newsletter n°21 – October 2023 [FR]

If you wish to subscribe (or unsubscribe), go to the bottom of the PROMISE website page to make your request via the dedicated form. Your suggestions and/or remarks are welcome.

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