The PROMISE newsletter n°23 – December 2023 – has been published

The latest edition of the PROMISE newsletter is online [FR]. This newsletter n°23 for December 2023 offers you the latest news relating to antimicrobial resistance and the One Health global approach :

  • Featured
    • PROMISE 2023 General Assembly: a successful meeting
    • University degree “Antibiotic resistance and global One Health approach”: already 1 month since the launch!
  • Some reading
    • The news not to be missed: “Call for transnational projects to better prevent antimicrobial resistance and better deal with it”
    • Other news
  • Calls for projects
    • Chair of Excellence in Biology/Health
    • Data at the service of research and innovation in environmental health
    • Pandemic preparedness and response: Host-pathogen interactions of infectious diseases with epidemic potential
  • Agenda
    • Upcoming events in January & February 2024
  • Access the PROMISE newsletter n°23 – December 2023 [FR]

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