PROMISE present at ARAE 2023 and at the FéRI Scientific Animation Days

PROMISE aims at creating a true One Health community in France by gathering all the main professionnal networks working on antimicrobial resistance under the same banner. That’s why this week, the meta-network was showcased at two major events in Tours, France.

First of all, UMR Inserm 1092 RESINFIT was present at the 9th Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and the Environment – ARAE 2023 (from July 3 to 5, 2023 in Tours). With the participation of many scientists from around the world, PROMISE was presented through a communication (poster), to show that the fight against antimicrobial resistance is intensifying.

Then, Yohann Lacotte, project manager and member of the PROMISE project coordination team, made a presentation of the meta-network during the FéRI Scientific Animation Days (from July 06 to 07, 2023 in Tours). Remember that this event promotes interactions between all members of the academic or private world, whether they work on human or veterinary infectious diseases.

Photo © Marie-Cécile PLOY

The entire PROMISE team would like to warmly thank the organizers of the two events for their welcome and organization.

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